Policies & Procedures

Welcome, and thank you for allowing us to be of service to you and your family!

Daily Routine Schedule (Varies from season to season)

7am Arrival / Opening
7:00- 7:30 Wash hands / Breakfast (7:30)
7:30- 8:30 Breakfast (please have your child here by 8:25, at 8:30 we are cleaning up and ending breakfast. (If your child /children are not here and no contact was made, I will assume that your child will not be present for breakfast). No food is to be brought inside the daycare! Please feed your child before entering, Thank You!

8:30- 9:30 Bathroom / Free play

9:30- 10:00 Circle time (circle time is thoroughly enjoyed by all children, please have children here so that they can participate and not miss out, this includes the infants).

10:00 – 10:30 Art Activity / Journal

10:30- 11:30 Outside (we take ALL children outside daily, weather permitting. However, we will determine the length of time outside according to weather / ages).

11:30 -12:00 Lunch (same rules apply as breakfast, exception dr. app / dentist app / prior notice given, ex: day before / at drop-off).

12:00 - 12:10 Diaper change / Bathroom

12:15- 3:00 Nap (if you are picking up during nap time, please give prior notice so that we can have child / children ready).

3:00- 3:30 Bathroom / Snack

3:30- 4:00 Puzzles / Books

4:00- 5:00 Outside

5:00- 5:30 Free play / Clean Up (5:20)

5:30 Departure (If pick up is after 5:30 and no notice is given, there will be a $20 late fee. If a notice is given, a one time late fee waiver is granted. If late pick up is excessive, a verbal warning will be issued 1st time, 2nd time, $30 late fee, 3rd time removal from care. REMOVAL FROM CARE IS ONLY IF EXCESSIVE LATE PICK UPS ARE CONTINUED!

Effective August, 2023 all fees are due on Fridays!! If your fee is not received by 5:30 pm on Friday, please add a late fee of $30. Also, if paying via cash app, an additional $2 per cash payment is required or whatever fee / fees cash app charges me to cash out immediately.

Next fee increase will be 8/1/25..... $165 weekly (full- time care) / $80 weekly (before & aftercare).

No more than two weeks of missed payments are allowed with your children / child in care. Therefore, after two weeks of non-payment, your child cannot attend daycare until all fees are paid.

Maternity holding position is available for half the weekly child care fee $75.00. This fee must be paid weekly on Fridays. After 6 weeks, full payment will be due $150, until the child is enrolled. The maternity fee is NON- REFUNDABLE due to the slot being held whereas the slot could have been filled.

Checks are no longer accepted as of 2022.

CAPS payment of parent fees are scheduled to end 10/2/23, please be prepared to resume parent fee on Friday, 09/29/23 for the week of 10/2/23. Notices about fee amount will be emailed via CAPS prior to this date. You may also visit the Gateway website to view your certificate / parent fee.

Receipts are available upon request monthly. Childcare expenses for prior year's care will be available by 1/31. Tax ID# 04-3757132.

Total fee is $150 for full Time Care / $70 for before & after care) childcare fee is due whether child does not attend /attends one day / vacation. Please be aware that if your child is enrolled (not drop in / as needed care) your fee is still due!! Please refer to your signed policy and procedures as a reminder.


$75 yearly registration fee per child / per year (you have until 1/31 of each year to pay registration fee)

$70 Before & After Care (this fee remains the same whether child attends both shifts or not, no discounts are available.) For example, child only come morning care ($70) / child only comes aftercare ($70).

Daily fee / Drop in- care is $50 per child / per day (must fill out all forms and have shot records).

A two weeks' notice is required prior to removing child / children from care. This includes a notice from the director, removal is only enforced due to constant conflict (parent / child), continued non-payment, not bringing child / children's necessities, severe sicknesses, etc. In lieu of the two weeks' notice, a two weeks' payment is acceptable. Two weeks' notice must be in writing (email / handwritten letter) Please know that when you give a two weeks' notice, your child's slot becomes available to waiting list guests. For example: notice given January 1st, 14 days later, your child's slot is no longer available! Therefore, the Monday of the following week; you may not bring child to daycare for care.

**** Pre -care is available as early as 6 am ($20 daily per family or $75 weekly in addition to regular fee and is due at drop off).

*****Weekend / Evening care can be arranged for special occasions, this requires a (2) weeks' notice and is $75 per child / per day. Times are 10am – 4pm Saturdays. Evening care 6pm - 10pm, Monday - Thursday (No Fridays), $40 / nightly or $120 weekly.

Procedures / Expectations
Please give notice if your child will be out due to appointments, vacation, illness, or a family emergency, etc.

No outside toys are allowed of any kind; however, there may be special occasions where toys / gadgets are allowed.

This is a NON- SMOKING facility, please do not smoke on premises.

When arriving / departing, please park in the grass if your car leaks oil. There will be a $25 cleaning fee if you are caught or suspected to have an oil leak.

Parents you are welcome at the daycare at any time, but please be mindful that this may create a conflict with your child / children. Nap time is a time of resting for the kids, down time for myself, helpers, and time for cleaning and restocking. This consideration is greatly appreciated!

Discipline is firm & fair and age appropriate, time out is used in addition to redirection. (redirection: given an alternate choice and a discussion about problem solving / reasoning). Disrespect from the parent or child is not tolerated, if a child hits a teacher, you will be given a phone call and notified about the conflict. If there is a second offense, a conference will be required before he or she can return back to daycare, on the third offense along with the parent NOT reinforcing unwanted behavior, the child will be removed from care.

Positive reinforcement is a part of what we stand for in conjunction with a positive self- image. We strive for our children to be able to demonstrate a healthy self - image, a positive mental, emotional, physical, and intellectual well - being.

Self- help skills is also a critical part of what we reinforce, yet assistance when needed is provided.

Potty training assistance is available when the child is ready and the parent is training at home on a regular basis.


No medication is given at daycare. Please give at home or come to the daycare to give meds.

Please do not bring your child to daycare sick, if your child gets ill while in care, you will be notified to pick them up within (1)hour of notice. Ex: fever, severe cold / allergies, vomiting, excessive diarrhea (3 soiled diapers within an hour), excessive crying due to irritability / discomfort.

Children are expected by 10am, this is imperative unless prior notice has been given for appointments. After 10 am and without a prior a notice, you may not bring your child to daycare!

If your child arrives with a dirty diaper, please kindly change the diaper before sitting your child at the table to eat. You may utilize the restroom at any time to change your child. You may also change your child on their cot. There is a wicker basket in the living room for your assistance. Please clean changing area, wash your hands / child’s hands, and put the dirty diaper in plastic bag and place in outside trash can. There is a utility sink in the laundry room to wash your hands / child's hands.

As a reminder, this is a family daycare home and sometimes my sons /husband will help out with care. However, all diapering for females will be handled by myself, Ms. Christy or Ms. Hannah.

Persons picking up children must be listed on pick-up form. If the person picking up is not on the pick up list, a text (with persons first & last name) or phone call is required and identification must be shown when picking up.

Parents it is your responsibility to inform others of pick up / drop off rules, expectations, and duties expected. Ex: washing hands, signing in, or changing dirty diapers if a child arrives with soiled diaper.

When arriving for pick up / drop off, please do not leave children in the car unattended, and please turn off your car. In addition, please do not allow your children to run, jump, or be disruptive during pick up. Children like to test authority when both provider and parent(s) are together, so let’s both remind children firmly about the rules.

Minor bruises, scratches, and scrapes are to expected in a childcare setting. Children are constantly running, beginning to walk, playing, and are uncoordinated especially toddlers. However, we give constant supervision during the day to prevent / minimize injuries.

Field trips are during the summer, a schedule will be sent out accordingly.

Birthday parties are welcomed, but parents must host the party and participate in clean up after the party.

The use of social media, Facebook / Google is utilized for reasons such as parental information / viewing, advertising, and allowing the children to see themselves in action.
Parental signature___________________
YES / NO ?


Holidays / Closures
New Year’s Eve / day/ day after
Christmas Eve /day / day after
Thanksgiving day / day after
Memorial Day
Labor Day
July 4th Entire Week (yearly)
October 12th & 13th (yearly)
FYI: When a holiday falls on the weekend, I am closed the following work day!!
Parents please have alternative care set up prior to knowing that daycare will be closed, the above dates are given in advance to minimize the stress of finding alternative care.

Caregivers’ / Contact Numbers
Darnisha Goolsby (478) 256-2719
Ms. Christy (478) 972-9744
Ms. Hannah (as needed care: emergencies, errands, etc).
Please thoroughly read, sign, and email a signed copy to me or hand deliver upon arrival.

Parent Signature_____________________________ Date_________________